Tanks Game Pigeon Objective

Objective 2019

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Hard work ALWAYS pays off. Just look at how well you did in 2019!

Not only did you make it through four seasonal campaigns like a boss, but the grind and dedication gave you the experience to dominate every battle. Objective 2019 also gave you the chance to earn a ton of rewards such as: Tanks, War Chests, Gold, Silver, Premium Time, Boosts, Consumables, and more!

It wasn’t easy, but we did it. Congratulations!

Now, the main prizes of Objective 2019 (the Object 279 (e)) and the 2019 Autumn Games (the Sturm VK 36.01 (H) mit 10.5 cm) are waiting for you! Head over to the store and check them out.

Object 279 (e)

The Object 279 (e) is made up of pure awesomeness. Getting this Tank required extreme dedication, but as we all know—nothing good comes easy.


The Object 279 (e) has super strong armor, and its sloped surface will give your opponents a hard time dealing any damage to your Tank.


The powerful 122mm Gun has punishing Damage and the Penetration to deliver it. Enough to make your opponents feel every hit.



The Object 279 (e) has no lower plate, completely eliminating a common weak-point.

Stat Attack: Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank
  • Matchmaking: Plays up to Tier 10
  • XP Bonus: 5%
  • Hit Points: 2400
  • Engine Power: 850 hp
  • Power/Weight Ratio: 14.17 hp/ton
  • Speed Limit: 40 km/h
  • Hull Traverse Speed: 26 deg/sec
  • Hull Armor: 185/120/90
  • Turret Armor: 330/140/90
  • Turret Traverse Speed: 24 deg/sec
  • Penetration: 258/340/68
  • Damage: 440/440/530
  • Aim Time: 2.6 sec
  • Accuracy: 0.38
  • Gun Caliber: 122 mm
  • Rate of Fire: 4.76 rounds/min
  • Reload Time: 12.6s
  • Max Ammo Capacity: 40 rounds
  • View Range: 400 m
  • Signal Range: 720 m

Check out the tabs below and see how much you are saving on the Object 279 (e)!

Note: The Object 279 (e) can ONLY be purchased if you completed at least ONE phase (Alpha, Bravo or Charlie) from any of the Objective 2019 Campaigns (Winter/Spring/Summer/Autumn Games).

All Premium vehicles purchased from the Store come with a 100% trained Crew, their own Garage slot, and a mix of standard and Premium ammo.

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


10% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


20% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


30% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


40% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


50% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


60% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


70% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


80% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank


90% savings!

  • Soviet Tier X Object 279 (e) Heavy Tank

100% savings!

Sturm VK 36.01 (H) mit 10.5 cm

The Sturm VK 36.01 (H) mit 10.5 cm is the reward tank for the 2019 Autumn Games Campaign. Now, you can get your hands on a Tank known for:


The Sturm VK 36.01 (H) mit 10.5 cm was one of the Tank models that helped in the development of the legendary Tiger I, the main German heavy tank from 1942 to 1944.


The good Armor and HP make this Heavy Tank a solid and reliable vehicle for intense combat. The additional Spaced Armor also provides effective protection against HE rounds.


With HE rounds, the Sturm VK 36.01 (H) mit 10.5 cm is extremely effective at dispatching low armored enemies. Get close and personal, then blast ‘em apart!

Stat Attack: German Tier VI Sturm VK 36.01 (H) mit 10.5 cm Heavy Tank
  • Matchmaking: Plays up to Tier 8
  • Silver Bonus: 35%
  • XP Bonus: 30%
  • Hit Points: 950
  • Engine Power: 600 hp
  • Power/Weight Ratio: 13.97 hp/ton
  • Speed Limit: 46 km/h
  • Hull Traverse Speed: 22 deg/sec
  • Hull Armor: 100/60/60
  • Turret Armor: 80/60/60
  • Turret Traverse Speed: 22 deg/sec
  • Penetration: 128/177/81
  • Damage: 350/350/410
  • Aim Time: 2.3 sec
  • Accuracy: 0.43
  • Gun Caliber: 105 mm
  • Rate of Fire: 5.08 rounds/min
  • Reload Time: 11.8s
  • Max Ammo Capacity: 42 rounds
  • View Range: 360 m
  • Signal Range: 710 m


Objective 2019 Additional Rewards

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And on top of all of that, 2019 had one last surprise: Additional rewards (emblems, camouflage, and a medal) for completing 11 or 12 Phases! Check out the tabs below for more info!

Game Pigeon Tanks Guide

  • Jungle Camo Voucher (6)
  • Emblems (24)
    • Winter Games Emblem (6)
    • Spring Games Emblem (6)
    • Summer Games Emblem (6)
    • Autumn Games Emblem (6)
  • Greenfield Camo Vouchers (6)
  • Emblems (24)
    • Winter Games Emblem (6)
    • Spring Games Emblem (6)
    • Summer Games Emblem (6)
    • Autumn Games Emblem (6)
  • 2019 Objective Platinum Medal

Tanks Game Pigeon Objectives

See you on the battlefield Commanders!