Rise And Shine Clay Pigeon Game

The latest issue of Time magazine features the top inventions of 2007, and the publication has named Steve Jobs’ iphone as the greatest invention of the entire year. I happen to disagree. You will want to wake up in the soft morning light at Rise N Shine, one of the most eye-catching three-bedroom cabins in Pigeon Forge. This gorgeous log cabin has three dormer windows above a wide front porch, with its green roof giving a pop of color in the pictures you are sure to take.

Pigeon Forge is packed with adventure, fun, and activities for the whole family, but if you just want to relax and “drink in” some of the natural aspects of the Smokies, I’ve got a couple places for you to try. Moonshine was born and bred in the hills of the mountains, so it seems to reason that that is where you will find the most authentic moonshine of anywhere else around. While the process may have been refined through the years and the selection has become vast, you can still find that 100 proof white lighting in the Tennessee mountains of Pigeon Forge.

One name that has become vastly popular over the last several years is none other than Ole Smoky Moonshine. Ole Smoky Moonshine first opened in Gatlinburg and has since expanded to a location within the Island in Pigeon Forge. Inside you will find the rustic wooden facade one would expect to find in a moonshine distillery. The smell hits you as soon as you walk through the door. Head on up to the bar and let Ole Smoky’s very knowledgeable and “whitty” bartenders tell you all about each flavor, while they serve you a small sampling of each and every flavor. They have two bars with 4 sides and at least 2 to 3 bartenders per bar, so no worries about whether you’ll get a chance to wet your whistle. They have a flavor to suit each one of your taste buds. Prefer fruity? Try their Hunch Punch. With the holiday season approaching, maybe you’re craving apple pie. They’ve got you covered! Do you long for that tried and true taste of White Lighting? Well prepare yourself, they have two! They have the ever popular “White Lighting” which is the standard 100 proof. But then there’s “Blue Flame”. Hang onto your seat because their blue bottled liquid will have you feeling like you just got struck by a 128 proof mountain storm. To check out more information on their history, locations, and products. Make sure to visit olesmoky.com.

Next up on our stop is a little distillery discreetly located right next to the Old Mill. The Old Forge Distillery is a must if you are looking for classic flavors and a more one on one experience with the bartenders. There is one bar located within the Old Forge Distillery so depending on the day you may have to wait on your turn, but it is a little smaller crowd within this location. The bartenders are very knowledgeable and will give you ideas on recipes to mix with each one of the flavors that you try. If you are a cinnamon lover, then you will absolutely love their moonshine flavor, simply called “Cinnamon”. Also find the ever true “Original” flavor, here . You can also shop an assortment of intricately designed clay drinking mugs and wine glasses, made right across the street at Pigeon River Pottery. For more info check out oldforgedistillery.com.


Last but not least is a less well known distillery, Smith Creek Moonshine. Doing some shopping at the outlets while you’re here? Well take a load off and have a sip or two at Smith Creek,which is conveniently located in the Tanger Outlets. As the others mentioned, Smith Creek also has a tasting bar. Here you will find classic flavors, as well as interesting flavors such as, Sweet Tea and Salted Caramel. Smith Creek also features products for foodies, if you aren’t into shine. They have an assorted selection of dry rubs, sauces, and jams. Make sure to check them out on your next trip to Tanger, or online at smithcreekmoonshine.com.
No matter what flavor you are after, I can assure you, you will find it here in Pigeon Forge. The history of moonshine is rich within the hills of the Smokies and these distilleries are bringing history to life and making moonshine more accessible than ever. At each and every location, jars of their specials recipes can be purchased and taken home for your enjoyment. So make a point to go check out these and more on your next trip to the Smokies. And as Ole Smoky Moonshine says, “ Shine Responsibly®”.

Rise And Shine Clay Pigeon Game For Pc

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