Pigeons Attack Game

Attack of the Influenza Birds: What a better way to take care of a bunch of sick birds other than a gatling gun, in the middle of the day on an inhabited street? Hey, they have bird flu. You have to do something. Free Shooting Games from AddictingGames.

pfren wrote: Alltheusernamestaken έγραψε: poucin escribió: Alltheusernamestaken a écrit :

I'm trying this right now. I made a threat on the bird's attack when black has wasted a tempo going 3.h6:

h6 losing a tempo, why playing for b4 instead of d4 which could be crushing?

Yeah I know h6 is 'losing a tempo'. Btw in the link I showed b4 is the best move in that positionPigeons

Your 4.c3 is a second rate move, compared to 4.d4!

Black's sole idea behind 3...h6?! is to follow up with ...Nf6 without having to deal with Ng5 stuff, so 4.c3 Nf6 is way better than the stupid 4...Bc5.


Actually 3...Nf6 4.d3 h6!? is a well-established line. Currently not terribly popular compared to 4...Bc5 or 4...Be7, but still quite reliable.

Yep the purpose of 3.h6 is to stop Ng5, that's why it's called the anti-fried liver (even though Bc5 stops it too).

Game Pigeon Download

As you said following up 3.h6 with 4.Nf6 is the best move but if you go 4.Bc5 the engine's best move is 4.b4 wich leads to complications for black, in fact I have never lost a match where I reached this position.

Pigeon Attack Game

The 4.d3 h6 line you said it's well established becouse you can play almost anything against the Giuoco Pianissimo.