How To Win Chess On Game Pigeon

He posted: Arguing with liberals is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good I am at chess, the pigeon is just going to knock over all the pieces, crap on the board, and strut around the table looking victorious. My response: Arguing with conservatives is like playing chess with a six year old. No matter whether you let them win,.

Chess is a mind game with endless permutations, outcomes and algorithms. Whether you are new to it, intermediate, or even if you have a few years of experience; it’s almost impossible to learn all the situations you may come across and ways to counter them. If you’re new to chess, you need to learn how to achieve a good position early on in the game and also maintain it. To win a chess match you need to procure a good position in the 3 main stages of the game:

  • Beginning
  • Middle Game
  • End Game.

Today we will study some easy ways to strengthen your position in all three stages:

1. Beginning

In a chess match, the beginnings are often the most critical part of the game as they decide the tone and manner of how the further stages of the game will develop. It’s important to start off with a strong position which is easy to maintain. Many a times, people end up wasting their time trying to learn many openings and their variations which may not come in handy in every chess game. Instead of going into the depth of an opening, we recommend going into the depth of the principals they are based on:

Most chess openings aim to secure the following:

  • Central Control (Of the Board )
  • Piece Safety
  • King Safety

Let’s go into further detail:

Central Control

This is considered to be the center of a chess board.

Image courtesy chessity

The reason you should control the center early in the game is to increase the possible movement options for your pieces. Take a look at this knight in the center. It can control and move to 7 different spots on the board. if a night is placed in a corner its movement is limited.


Therefore you should always be able to occupy the centre with your pieces to exert more control over the chess board.

This is an ideal set up for both sides:

Insert image 3- YouTube

Piece safety

Piece safety can be ensured by always backing up your pieces with a protector, like a pawn or a minor piece (bishop or knight). Never leave a piece unprotected. Usually, if you are a beginner or if you’re playing in a tournament, playing a gambit is not recommended as they can nowadays be countered easily. Gambits may often render your pieces unsafe and unprotected if not played properly.

King safety

The king is the most fundamental piece in the entire game. It is therefore very important to protect your king from opposing attacks. One major method to protect your king is to castle.

Image- Rules of chess.

Castling king side is a more defensive development move, whereas castling queen side is more aggressive as it allows you to develop your queen side rook early in the game. However, queen side castling may render a few of your queen side pieces hanging (like the a2 pawn for white and the a7 pawn for black) so play the queen side castle with care.

2. Middle Game

The middle game is a stage in the game which is mainly characterized by the movement of major pieces like the queen and rooks along with the movement of the minor pieces and pawns. It occurs after development of all pieces and connection between the rooks is established (see figure below)

Image – Quora

How To Win In Speed Chess

In the middle game you should do three important things:

  • Analyze where your pieces have most attacking potential
  • Decrease your opponents attacking potential
  • Create attacking opportunities for yourself

Attacking potential

What attacking potential means is the ability to analyze the weakest areas that your opponent has and to exploit those weaknesses. If the king side of your opponent is weak, target that side by developing your pieces to those areas.

Decreasing opponent’s potential

You can decrease your opponent’s attacking potential by developing pieces which exert control over such areas. Playing your pieces to obstruct your opponent’s possible maneuvering strategies can decrease your opponent’s attacking potential.

Increasing your potential

As mentioned before, you can increase your attacking potential by developing your pieces in a substantial manner. Don’t leave your pieces hanging and exert pressure over your opponent’s weak sides.

Insert image 6- label as king’s side attack- YouTube

Try to break through your opponent’s defenses and bring your major pieces like your Queen and rooks nearer to the king to subject him to checks. However always remember to ensure your own king’s safety while doing so. Do not open your king’s defenses and make him susceptible to attacks.

3. End Game

The End Game is the final few stages of the game. It occurs after you finalize your middle game attack and when you move in for the final blows. During the end game, you should aim to restrict your opponent’s king’s movement. Cut off his possible movement squares with your major pieces. Rooks can come in handy as they can cut off entire rows or columns for the opponent’s king to move. Usually you should exchange off queens during the middle game as the opposing queen may decrease the potential of your pieces and may obstruct your checkmating moves.

However, if you choose not to exchange the queens, checkmating becomes an easy task. The queen can move in any direction, so it can cut off the king’s movement completely, but always take care that you don’t endanger your queen or any of your other pieces while performing the attack. You should also focus on your own king’s safety while proceeding for checkmate.

Though it is not necessary, learning checkmates with two rooks,one rook and king and bishop and knight may make the end game much easier.

Hope you all found this write up useful and that you have a better grasping of the objectives you should focus on during your chess game.

Struggling with Deleting or uninstalling game pigeon app from your iOS Device or you don’t know How to delete Game pigeon app. Deleting the game pigeon app is not a difficult task. In Some Simple Steps, you can easily delete the Pigeon game from your Ios Device.

Game pigeon is a social media game that was introduced in Facebook messenger and later this game available in other sources too.iMessage got a lot of apps and Games in Ios devices. Pigeon game is one of the others. You can install the game or remove game Pigeon app after Playing.

GamePigeon is an iMessage app that lets you and your friends play amazing games on the iPhone messaging app. It is a multiplayer game that allows five to six family members to use this app with Family Sharing enabled. Game pigeon app supports both iPhone and iPad and offers up to 23 games like basketball, mini-golf, chess, etc. After you finished the game Some people find it difficult to remove it and may search on google, So they can uninstall the game, most people search how to uninstall game pigeon from iPhone.

How To Uninstall Game pigeon App

With the recent release of iOS 10, Apple has announced that the iPhone users can play games on the iMessage app. However, iMessage has its own App Store in the app itself, so if you want to install any app related to iMessage, you can install it from iMessage and use it. If, you are trying to delete GamePigeon on iPhone, here’s the quick tip to uninstall the GamePigeon on iPhone or Your Ios device.

Uninstalling Game Pigeon app is not a difficult Job, People find it very difficult to remove the app from their Ios device, But today we will explain in detail, How you can remove or uninstall Game Pigeon app from your devices.from here you will know in detail How to delete game Pigeon App

After Playing most of Games, people Get bored, So they wanted to uninstall the apps or games, but they don’t know how to do it. but here is quick solution for this.

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Steps For How To Delete Game Pigeon App

These are very simple steps that you can follow if you wanna delete or remove game pigeon app from your Ios Device. Lets start with simple steps

  • First of all, you need to go to the iMessage app and then select contacts.
  • Select the app icon in front of the Camera icon
  • From the bottom, swipe the icons to left.
  • there you will see More icon.. that you are seeing after GamePigeon.

How To Win Chess Fast

  • In the next screen, you will find the GamePigeon option in the More Apps section.
  • After doing this step Select Gamepigeon App and Swipe to left. And then hit on Delete Game Pigeon App from iMessage.

Here, we are done with how to delete Game pigeon app, you can use this method to uninstall the Game pigeon app.

How To reinstall Game Pigeon App After Deleting

People get bored, So they uninstall the apps or games, but when they again get bored they reinstall the applications. But, if you don’t know how to reinstall the apps, here we are talking about how to reinstall Game pigeon app in Your iPhone or Ios device.

Steps to Reinstall Game Pigeon app

  • Simply you have to go to iMessage App store.
  • Search for Game Pigeon In Search Bar
  • If you didn’t Get it. Click on more options.
  • apps will appear that supports your device.
  • You can choose game Pigeon from there.
  • and you can reinstall the game pigeon from there.

How Do You Win Chess

I hope this might help you in solving your problems for deleting or uninstalling or reinstalling game pigeon app. if You have any queries, you can ask in the comment section