Good Game Pigeon Names

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Pigeons belong to the family of birds known as Columbidae. There are a number of varieties in the wild while several breeds are also kept as pets. Most domestic Columbidae types of pigeon differ merely in color. Discussed below are the varieties which possess some distinct features on the basis of which they can be easily distinguished from the other breeds.

Feral Rock Pigeons


One of the most common types of pigeon is known as feral rock pigeon. This blue variety is well-adapted to survive in the cities and suburbs. Owing to this reason, flocks of feral rock pigeons can be seen foraging around for bird food or on roosts in public places. Therefore, they are commonly referred to as street pigeons or city doves.

Feral rock pigeons often cross breed with other types of domestic pigeons. As a result, the color and variations in the features of the plumage are passed down to the upcoming generations.

Homing Pigeons

Another common variety which belongs to the Columbidae family is known as homing pigeons. The color of their plumage is blue or white or – more commonly – a combination of both. Their distinguishing feature is the strength of their muscles and flying ability. For this reason, homing pigeons are raced on special events, such as weddings or sports events. They are, therefore, also known as racing pigeons. The word “homing” is used for this variety owing to the natural homing instinct of these birds. They can be trained to return to a loft after being raced.

Homing pigeons possess distinctive bands which help in their recognition. Often, if the bird is lost, it can be traced through the banding information and returned to its owner.

Band Tailed Pigeons

One of the wild types of pigeons is the band tailed pigeon. As the name implies, members of this variety possess a banded tail which is grey in color. In addition, an iridescent patch exists at the nape of the neck which is another one of their distinctive features. Both the feet as well as the beak are yellow in color. These pigeons do not exhibit large variations in color as in the case of feral rock pigeons. Moreover, banded tailed pigeons are rather large in size with an average length of fourteen to eighteen inches.

The natural habitat of this special variety of pigeons is found in areas of North America as well as the Pacific Coast. These birds prefer lurking around in trees. Therefore, they are not only found in coniferous forests, but also on deciduous trees. The most favorite food of band tailed pigeons consists of acorns, berries and grains.

African Owl

One of the fancy breeds of pigeons is called the African Owl. The short beaks of these pigeons make them resemble owls. This special variety has been developed over a number of years through the process of selective breeding. Once originated, African Owl was introduced to England from Tunisia in the nineteenth century.

Members of this variety are the descendents of rock pigeon. One of their most distinctive features is known as the jabot. It consists of a crest of feathers which run down the chest of the bird. It is also often referred to as the tie of the African Owl. On the other hand, these pigeons consist of smooth heads with no distinctive arrangement of feathers. Their body is short in size and plump in stature. In addition, the beak is also small and pointed downwards which resembles the beak of owls.

American Show Racer

A special variety of homing pigeons is known as the American Show Racer. This breed has been developed through cross breeding by selecting the best racing varieties. The first breed of the American Show Racer was developed in the United States in 1950s. This bird is popularly referred to as the Bird of Dignity. It is used on special occasions such as opening ceremonies of sporting events and weddings.

Good Game Pigeon Names

Trumpeter Pigeons

One of the fancy varieties of pigeons developed through selective breeding is known as the trumpeters. Members of this distinct breed are descendants of the rock pigeon. The distinguishing feature of trumpeter pigeons is their special cooing. It sounds like human laughter or trumpeting.

The group of trumpeter pigeons is further divided into several varieties. They exhibit slight variation in colors and other physical features, but produce the same characteristic trumpeting sounds while cooing. The most common varieties of these pigeons are listed below.

Good Game Pigeon Names List

  • Arabian Trumpeter
  • Vogtland Trumpeter
  • Franconian Trumpeter
  • Altenberg Trumpeter
  • Dresden Trumpeter
  • Bokhara Trumpeter
  • English Trumpeter

Archangel Pigeons

One of the most beautiful kinds of pigeons is the archangel. Since it belongs to the group of fancy pigeons, it is popularly kept as a pet or used for exhibition in zoos or bird shows. The unique feature of an archangel pigeon is its attractive feathers which exhibit a metallic sheen. Other than the feathers, its eyes are also attractive. The vivid dark orange color of the iris truly stands out. The bird’s wings are long and extend up to the tail. However, the overall size of the body itself is small. It weighs only around twelve oz.

The Capuchines

The capuchines consist of one of the most bizarre looking group of pigeons. This fancy breed originated in the sixteenth century. It is, therefore, one of the oldest varieties of pigeons. Dutch sailors introduced this variety to Holland from India.

The most unique trait of capuchine pigeons is the set of rosettes found on either side of the neck. The front part of these rosettes forms a chain which runs down the hood. This chain appears in the form of a “U” when the bird is viewed from the front.

There are many other breeds of pigeons as well. Indeed, it is one of the most common types of birds which exist in a large number of varieties all around the globe.

Pigeon Breeds for Utility and Sport

Reading Time: 5minutes

Recognized as a Master Breeder of Old Dutch Capuchines and Bavarian Pouters, Layne Gardner has had the good fortune of traveling the world photographing various types of pigeons. In her 50 years of raising pigeons (she started early!) she has developed a passion for quality and enjoys seeing excellent specimens in various breeds. She may have chosen Capuchines for their elegant Cruella de Vil neck feathers and possibly the Bavarian Pouters for their attractive balloon-like crop. But what characteristics and breed will you choose?

Black German Nun

With hundreds of types of pigeons to pick from, selecting a breed or variety can be overwhelming. Popular pigeon facts include their ability to adapt to various conditions and their inexpensive maintenance costs, which doesn’t help narrow down the choices. One of the best ways to choose a breed is by focusing on the flock’s purpose. Types of pigeons may be grouped into three classes: utility, fancy, and flying or homing breeds.


Pigeon Breeds by Class

Utility Breeds

These birds are used mostly for squab production. The largest types of pigeons in this category include the White Kings, Red Carneau, French Mondaine, Giant Homers, and the ironically named Runts.

Michael Kolodziej, owner of Ruffled Feather Farm, has been raising pigeons for 30 years. Currently, he raises one of the largest pigeon breeds and one of the smallest.

“The giant runt is the largest breed of pigeon, and their size alone makes them regal,” he says. “They are truly a gentle giant. They are not the easiest breed to work with; because of their size, they break their eggs and even crush their young.”

He tells me that they are best left undisturbed. When the squabs hatch, it’s amazing to watch this tiny chick develop into a giant.

“I very seldom advertise my runts; they sell themselves,” Kolodziej adds. “When people see them, they just have to have them. Their mass and impressive size win you over.”

Runt Pigeon
Red Carneau
French Mondain
Opal French Mondain

Fancy Breeds

These pigeons are kept for their gorgeous color, form, and texture. I remember fondly going to the New York State fair, annually and visiting the poultry building. I would spend hours on the second floor which was dedicated to the whimsical types of pigeons New York fanciers had to offer. These exhibition breeds included Fantails, Jacobins, Owls, Pouters, Tumblers, and Modenas.

What do pigeons eat? Knowing what to feed pigeonsdepends on the breed. Some types of pigeons, because of their beak and head size, may require only the smallest of seed and grain.

African Owl
Chinese Owl

Flying or Homing Breeds

Possibly the most famous, this category includes racing pigeons that are used for endurance flying (distance or height) and their homing instinct. Breeds include Racing Homers and Rollers.

Kolodziej says that Portuguese tumblers are one of the smallest breeds of pigeons. “They are extremely fast flyers and they perform well.”

Their small size is intriguing as well as the way they carry themselves. They have an erect stance, powerful chest and a small beak which makes their appearance pleasing.

“When the males court, they walk on tip-toe and almost inhale to make themselves appear more impressive,” Kolodziej has noticed. “Another interesting factor is the wide variety of colors and unique patterns. It is always exciting to watch the young birds feather out to see what you produced. My biggest enjoyment is watching them fly. I sit for hours and just watch.”

Portuguese Tumblers
Dark Check Show Roller
German Long Face Tumbler
Flying Baldhead Kite Pigeon

Other Names For Pigeons

Exhibition Blue Bar Homer
Domestic Show Flight Pigeon
Berlin Short-Faced Tumbler

Good Game Pigeon Names Games

American Show Racer

Good Game Pigeon Names A-z

Do you have a type of pigeon that’s your favorite? What types of pigeons are you considering? Let us know in the comments below.

Game Pigeon Download

Categories : Poultry 101